Shane Johnson’s Bike Across Canada to Raise Awareness

Shane Johnson’s Bike Across Canada to Raise Awareness

Shane Johnson’s plan to ride across Canada started just over a year ago. “My life leading up to this journey has been full of depression, anxiety, a loss of purpose, pain both physical and mental” Shane says.

Before COVID happened, Shane was feeling lost. He hated his job, was working too much and was in a 13-year relationship that was falling apart. Shane felt this was it and I had nothing left to live for. After a visit to a counsellor and being given a different perspective on life , Shane started going back to the gym and surrounding himself with good people and friends which helped in his healing process.

Shane’s journey wasn’t without set backs though, and one of those nearly derailed his healing. While in the gym and going for a heavy squat, Shane ended up tearing a muscle in his groin as well as tearing the tendon and some fascia. This injury stopped him from going to the gym and laid him up for along time. In fact, Shane is still healing from this injury today. Once again his spirit was crushed. Shane was at rock bottom and figured it couldn’t get any worse.
Shane turned to his own spirituality to heal, and after a long time, it felt good to be whole.  In the months to follow Shane bought a mountain bike and got back into riding. “I wasn’t able to run or get back I to the gym due to my injury but riding didn’t seem to bother it. I had found a new form of therapy and it was amazing”.
Shane has always loved helping people and nearing the half way mark to the start of this journey he wanted to give back in some way. “I’m in such an amazing place right now so the trip has helped me shift my focus onto helping others as well as myself”.

“I want to show people that living in discomfort isn’t good, yeah it maybe easier then leaving or deciding to change but taking that leap no matter how scary it can be may just save your life”.

Follow his journey –>, Biking Across Canada 2022

Support the cause (and Revolution!) –> Biking Across Canada Donations



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